Friday, April 17, 2009

Hiking the ridge of Mt. Superior with Colter and Kate
fun time...
Looking into the Coalpit headwall with Colter
Superior apron pow ride
Slash that
Coalpit descent

Greg Trawinski, a.k.a. LG - photographer, powder skier, good time technician. The man pulling the trigger on all these shots is also my next door neighbor in Drunk Alley. Sometimes he plays shitty music, but he snaps fine photos and he puts in work. I can rest assured that i will never sleep through a pow morning because Greg will be up, getting prepped, and blasting shitty country sure to wake me up from all but the deepest slumbers. If only everyone kept it just as real as LG.

1 comment:

  1. Hello!

    your blog is feel good.
