Thursday, December 17, 2009

Cast of Characters: Part One

Here at the P Dawg there is no shortage of unique, ridiculous, and hilarious individuals. These characters greatly contribute to the experience of life here at the end of hwy 210. In this series i will begin to formally introduce some of the players in this here saga...

b-RAD a.k.a. Radical: a Drunk Alley resident, this fiend can be found seeking pow stashes throughout LCC. he occasionally cooks food between skiing sessions, but truly he only stops because food is fuel. he has owned like thirty seven different old cars.
K8 a.k.a. RICK (but you gotta prolong the pronounciation, like rrrrrrrrriiiiieecck): a free heelin' hippy powderwhore. this young lady rips harder than most of the bros and looks better too! in the above shot she seemed to be stuck on the river pillow with no escape... we left her there and when she eventually lept to freedom, she had to kill a moose, open its belly, and crawl inside to keep warm for the night. she still made first chair the next day. Gutter Ball or G.B. : a straight lady killer. this zen yoga master brews way danker yerba mate than you and he has way better style too. there is no telling what he is gonna back flip off next but you can be sure he will look cool doing it.Colt a.k.a. Angry C: maybe the gnarliest farts ever. early in the mornng, while the snow still accumulates, colter's coffee is brewing. he hastely cuts onions, pepper, potatos, and garlic for his mega breakfast creations, also known as PowBombs. don't f@#k around these beast will keep you going way longer than that oatmeal crap! he is also know to live in the same baselayers for weeks, maybe months on end, but it's alright because wool doesn't smell... The Maine-iac: pretty much a dominator of the scene, pat kills it. if you have ever heard him rock live then you want to jump his bones, he is Maine's best rapper ever, and his flow is nicer than your mamas cherry pie. so suck it riendeer games!

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